Seeking Work After Med School: What’s Next?

After a few extra years of med school, you’ll see yourself placed from internship to resident to an eventual job application. Going through the steps might be jarring for those who aren’t too acquainted with the medical profession. Here is a blow by blow succession of how you’re supposed to progress in your chosen specialty after med school.

Internship period

Though you already have an MD after your name, you still need to have a resident to sign your prescriptions and approve your diagnoses. The internship period contains three different properties.

  1. Categorical internships lead eventually to residency and wouldn’t take another application form. Fulfilling your internship years in terms of training and service hours makes it easier for you to progress in the same hospital. Various branches of medicine such as Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and Ob-Gyn usually follow this procedure. This type of internship allows you to branch out and experience a hands-on approach to your chosen field of specialty.
  1. Transitional internships go through another institution separate to where you need to complete the initial application that leads you to your residency status. Though you might be exposed to different environments, you’ll also have to consider that you’ll be working and learning in two different places at once. In terms of learning, it sure looks like a pro, but the biggest con is learning how to manage your time between the two.
  1. Preliminary internships work similarly to transitional courses, but instead of being given a chance to be exposed to various specialties in medicine, your primary focus is either in surgery or in medicine. Depending on the department you wish to apply for, you might need a preliminary internship specifically. Teaching hospitals are known to offer introductory courses instead of residency spots so that interns have an incentive for employment later on.

Finding a place to call home for the next few years

Most medical professionals feel comfortable acquiring a residency at their chosen hospital from an internship. But contrary to popular belief, hospitals aren’t the main destinations of MD graduates. Different places focus on different disciplines of medicine; each with their pros and cons.

You could opt to work by yourself or join groups or networks of physicians. The freedom of going solo might let you have your own hours, but you might want to consider partnering up with your peers. Being involved in groups in the same industry will keep you updated in business practices and finances for your specific field. If you’re finding a little bit of trouble in choosing the right offer, looking for agencies that cater to physician recruiters by connecting them to local and national firms will let you be able to have a broader scope of what your future in the medical field holds for your career.

Others still look towards gaining more knowledge in their profession by getting published and receiving fellowships or applying for additional degrees. All in all, finding a place where you feel comfortable is an excellent way to move forward with your medical career.


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